Monday, July 29, 2013

The S-Factor... Sale-ability

Here we go.  Again.

I have been doing my best my whole life at being sellable, or sale-able.  For starters, there were the ponytails. 

1983.  A time of Izod polo shirts and Normandee Rose jeans.  Sixth grade.  A time of identity building.  And sale-ability.  If no one bought what you were selling, you wound up playing Barbie's with Heather on the sixth grade picnic.  Nevermind that I kind of wanted to play Barbie's with Heather, Heather was an outcast and NOBODY had played with Barbie's since 5th grade which was so long ago and everyone had matured so much in 155 days.  How much?  So much so that wearing ponytails had been denigrated to the level of playing with teenaged 11-inch dolls.  Only I didn't know that.  I thought ponytails were cute.  Lucky for me, there was one friend who steered me straight just when I was about to drive off the cliff of sale-ability.  The day I wore two ponytails perfectly aligned just below my ears with a clean part down the middle of my scalp, Lynn pulled me aside and offered this bit of sage advice... "Nobody wears ponytails.  They're for little kids."  And there you have it.  Me + what I thought = Unsale-able.  It was an equation I carried with me for many years.  The problem is, the two variables are not very variable!  It turns out they are one and the same. 

Now I am here.  Again.  At the junction of sale-ability and Rachel-ness.  The thing is... I kind of like Rachel-ness.  I like to see things in a way that is different.  I like to lose myself in a world that no one else has seen except for me, and tell a story that no one but I can tell.  I like to be the author, the authority, the voice.  "Is it sellable/sale-able?" is a valid question.  But all I have is a fistful of Rachel to throw at life's problems.  I'm not a moron.  I won't write a picture book for grown-ups... or will I?

My whole life I've done my best at being sellable.  Now it is time to admit there is a new equation... Rachel + unsale-ability = stories.  Yes, my stories are about the unsale-ables.  And I happen to like them very much!

Does it have the S-factor?  I'll leave that question to the Lynns of the world.


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